Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sewn with Care

A few research studies have shown, that doing acts of kindness towards others, benefits both recipient and the giver. It improves their over all emotional and social well being. If we take a closer look at our circle of best friends, we may just find that we all give and take from each other. We may also find ourselves measuring others, by their ability to give and take to their fellow man. A successful marriage may very well provide clues to this very act, as quite the bond between the couple. It is a quality that we find within ourselves and may unconsciously, seek out in others.

Today's world has thrown many natural disasters at us, and many people stepped up, to help those in need. Unfortunately, we have no control over the weather and according to the latest news reports, it's going to be the 'new normal'. The prospect of future 'super' storms does not excite me nor instill any real sense of security in our world. It is something that many of us will have to learn to prepare and survive these unforseeable events. Yet, again, we will also find others who will step up to reach out and help. It is definitely one of Mankind's top qualities.

Next to strange weather systems we have all the too common various illnesses, that afflict our children and where again, we find people performing acts of kindness. We have web sites that are dedicated to teaching and inviting others how they too, can give, provide and show their support. This can be learning to sew clothing items, blankets and toys next to offering financial donations. We will find people from one side of the world, reaching out and helping a child, on the other side of the world. Can you imagine the feelings this stirs for the child?

Other areas, where we will find acts of kindness performed daily, will be in other social areas. We will find women in shelters escaping domestic violence or homelessness, youth shelters providing help for runaways, shelters for homeless men, homes for the mentally challenged, our homeless pets, and importantly, helping our military personnel, at their own times of need. Thankfully, the internet has opened the information highway for us to find them, and them, to find us, who will be quite happy to give our support.

A person with sewing skills, no matter their level of experience, is one of the many types of supporters that can be found often requested. They are sought out, for their ability to piece together different items such as clothing, toys or blankets. If you take a look at a sewing guild online, you may find certain times of the year, announcements are posted, about a sewing project needed for a charity they support.

The strength in numbers, as can be found in a guild, can prove invaluable for charities and pooling their work together, brings in the extra number of projects. These announcements can also usually be seen in sewing forums or reference to a charity included in photo's. These projects may not look grand or unique and be simple, to the trained eye but that's not the point. It's the smile that lights up on the face of the recipient of these projects, that makes the time spent by the charity and unknown seamstress, that gives back that sense of great satisfaction. If you're part of guild, ask if they'd be interested in supporting a worthy charity, at your next meeting.

Charities can be found in great numbers online and in many different areas of interest. It is critical to ensure you examine their privacy polices and check out their ratings. A few sites are available which are dedicated to ensuring that the public, is NOT abused. For the seamstress, if you use 'sewing for charity' in Google, you will also find many available sites to choose. Ensure you research each one and your own available time, that you're able to dedicate, for project requests.

Extra Reading

Sewing for Charity

Charity Watch

BBB- For Charities and Donors 

Active Learning Video

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Article(C)2013 GG9909, all rights reserved. GG9909 is passionate about the art of Crazy quilts and world of sewing and small home business.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Designing for More Space!

The world of sewing whether for clothing, accessories or quilts and even the arts and crafts world does require that we have a fantastic work surface. Some of us are fortunate and don't mind plopping ourselves onto the floor though ensuring we don't lose our 'tools of the trade' amidst the mess we make, may become somewhat problematic.

A search around the web and we will find many idea's for creating our own DIY tables and desks. Most consist of using existing pieces of furniture and attaching a piece of plywood, counter top or a door as the work surface We can shop around at garage sales to pick up pieces of furniture or visit a nearby store. Some pieces of furniture that's popular to use are cubby hole shelves, 3 shelf units, small office machine stands or small 3 drawer dressers. These work great for adding extra storage and keeping our supplies near at hand.

The use of plywood can be easily cut to size, to fit across the width of which ever piece of furniture you choose as a base. Other idea's include buying a collapsible buffet table, the ones where the legs will fold or another popular idea, the ping pong table. One can even pick up parts to make their own version of a collapsible table with buying the 'legs' and a piano hinge. We can have fun with 're-covering' the surface of a plywood board with a layer or two of batting and fabric or vinyl covering. A few people have converted a closet or armoire into a compact 'sewing' corner. We just have to make sure they are sturdy.

Storage and organization of our supplies is important. It helps us with sticking to the task at hand, working on finishing our project. A few extra idea's are as follows:

  • curtain rod with S hooks to hang a container
  • decorative plant hangers
  • pant hangers
  • make a wall hanging with pockets
  • hanging shoe/closet organizer
  • magazine holders as brackets to hold a shelf
  • toilet paper/paper towel bar

The idea's for storage are endless for the four walls and ceiling in our 'work' room. Take a look around and check for area's you can create extra storage space or to enlarge your floor area. Go online and explore the many idea's available to us which we may be able to apply or modify to our own needs. It's an area that can be quite fun, decorating our sewing/craft/work room.

I am a fan of Peter Fallico and watched his 'Home to Go' series whenever possible. One idea he presented was using five doors and attaching them to make a unique little 'office' area which we can morph into our own little 'work' corner. Refer to my 'rough' (very rough!) drawing of how he had put it together using hinges. It was designed to be portable and functional. One can add all sorts of storage design idea's to the available space around it.  

One last item I recommend that I noticed one day receiving a visitor. I had nowhere for my guest to sit and she was forced to stand! How rude of me! I would suggest maybe adding one of those little ottomans with 'storage' space or a comfy bench (with storage) in your 'work' room for such situations as they may arise unexpectedly. It's always nice to share 'shop talk' with others.

Extra Reading

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Holiday Cheer and Safety

Christmas has gone by and the New Year is next. Gifts, family, friends and food is shared and even contributions, to the less advantaged have been donated. A few of us crafty artists have even scooped sales and/or been busy with creations to fill orders.

Holidays is a wonderful time for all of us. I hope your Christmas went well! A few traditions for bringing in the New Year are practiced and one of them is 'Count downs' and of course, parties. A glass of bubbly Champagne is a tradition to make toasts for the New Year and sharing of resolutions. Did we even make or accomplish our last years resolutions? It's never too late to begin anew so don't feel too guilty.

 One of the major tips for holidays is keeping our safety in mind especially when alcohol is involved. Preventing accidents or endangering our life or lives of others, is of utmost importance to many, including our own family.

Let's keep this tradition alive and well and some suggestions:
- don't drink and drive
- hire a Designated Driver (advertise at local AA meeting place)
- hire a Body guard
- pool your monies together for a cab
- make sure all candles are out
- make sure all lit fires are out
- respect when somebody says 'No'
- dress warmly

It is always best to be safe than sorry. Preparing ahead of time shows great common sense and care for self and others. Let's continue this tradition and pass along the tips so our New Year is safe and fun. I hope your New Year brings prosperity and joy for you, friends, family and Peace for our world. Let our children slumber without a care knowing we are safe. Let's keep our resolutions realistic and within reach next to fun. Stay safe and God Bless!

I hope you found this article informative. Please feel free to leave your comments and share your thoughts. Send me a email if you have a request on a topic of interest, place a Order or to say hello. It's FREE to join my Fan club, subscribe by Email or my RSS Feed.

 Article(C)2012, all rights reserved. Gin G. creates and posts articles online about business development, second income idea's, health, science, technology and society.