Christmas has gone by and the New Year is next. Gifts, family, friends and food is shared and even contributions, to the less advantaged have been donated. A few of us crafty artists have even scooped sales and/or been busy with creations to fill orders.
Holidays is a wonderful time for all of us. I hope your Christmas went well!
A few traditions for bringing in the New Year are practiced and one of them is 'Count downs' and of course, parties. A glass of bubbly Champagne is a tradition to make toasts for the New Year and sharing of resolutions. Did we even make or accomplish our last years resolutions? It's never too late to begin anew so don't feel too guilty.
One of the major tips for holidays is keeping our safety in mind especially when alcohol is involved. Preventing accidents or endangering our life or lives of others, is of utmost importance to many, including our own family.
Let's keep this tradition alive and well and some suggestions:
- don't drink and drive
- hire a Designated Driver (advertise at local AA meeting place)
- hire a Body guard
- pool your monies together for a cab
- make sure all candles are out
- make sure all lit fires are out
- respect when somebody says 'No'
- dress warmly
It is always best to be safe than sorry. Preparing ahead of time shows great common sense and care for self and others. Let's continue this tradition and pass along the tips so our New Year is safe and fun.
I hope your New Year brings prosperity and joy for you, friends, family and Peace for our world. Let our children slumber without a care knowing we are safe. Let's keep our resolutions realistic and within reach next to fun. Stay safe and God Bless!
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Article(C)2012, all rights reserved. Gin G. creates and posts articles online about business development, second income idea's, health, science, technology and society.